Archive for the Family Category

Can Your Hear Me Now?

Posted in Christianity, Family, God, Jesus, Life, Philosophy, Religion, Thought, Thoughts, Uncategorized on November 8, 2012 by Josh Leone

How many times do we think to ourselves, ‘I just wish I can hear from God.’ It’s like, how nice would it be to have audible encounters with God the way they did in the Bible? The truth is that God is continually speaking to us. It may only seem like He’s not, but just because we can’t hear Him doesn’t mean He isn’t talking. The issue comes from this world. We live in a society in which we have influences everywhere. ‘Try this’ ‘Go there’ ‘Buy this’ ‘Look like this.’ With so many voices calling for you attention and “commanding” you to do things you never had any intention on doing, no wonder why we can’t hear God. God speaks to us in a soft voice, never forceful. He does this because He wants YOU to choose the listen to Him. No matter what you may be going through at any given point of time, God is right there, speaking to you, problem is that most times we choose to tune into the station that playing the loudest. So next time that God is being ‘silent,’ try turning down the volume on all the things of things world, and you will find God’s voice never changed.


No Religion…Just a Relationship

Posted in Family, God, Jesus, Philosophy, Religion, Thought on January 24, 2008 by Josh Leone


These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
They worship me in vain;
their teachings are but rules taught by men.

~Matthew 15:8-9

What!? It may sound funny but God does not like religion. In fact he thinks it hinders one’s walk with him. Religion is not what God seeks…It is that personal relationship with him. You see, in Heaven there isn’t going to be separate sections where all the Baptists go, and another section for the Catholics, and so on. All that there is going to be is a large group of people who truly hope put off their cover of religion and decided to have a deep relationship with God. The reason why Religion is not the way is because it actually gets in the way and takes the place of God. People get so caught up in being a specific religion instead of the actual meaning behind it. Prayers become more of a scripted habit instead of coming from the heart. Going to church becomes a chore just because you “have to go” because it’s Sunday. God desires to have a relationship with us no matter what day of the week it is. Just going through the motions and being “religious” is not what God is looking for. Going to church week after week and giving lip service to God means nothing if we are not living the way He wants us to live. You don’t have to believe me, but you should believe what the Bible says. Take another glance at the scripture above and think about what it really means.